Thursday, July 31, 2014


HAVE beauty always with you for a great start to the month! Beauty is everywhere and it is absolutely free. Most of all, beauty is for the heart. The Lipstick Papers Weekend Review coming soon! xxx


I HAVE been reading about the rose, my favorite flower, and came across this cool fact!

The first reference for roses used in perfumery comes from Pylos, Greece, where archaeologists discovered a storekeeper's clay tablet!

The tablet lists two sorts of scented oils, rose and sage. The tablet was preserved by the fire which destroyed the palace of Pylos, where it was actually found.

Crete is first when it comes to a painted rose: roses were found painted in a Minoan town house in Knossos.

Rose fossils were found in Alaska, and the rose is the national flower of the US.

Though so much has been written about the rose, there is always something new to say! Even the color of the rose is everywhere in the beauty industry and in fashion. I think this is all part of the rose's magic and mystery. 

For the information in this post I have used Jennifer Potter's Seven Flowers and How They Shaped Our World. She has written a book specifically about the rose, which I have ordered, and will review for The Lipstick Papers!

Have a beautiful day, and we will talk again soon! :-)

Monday, July 28, 2014


WHEN I read Dorothy Wordsworth's journal, I was intrigued to find out that sometimes she made her own shoes. 

Another shoemaker, fictional this time, is Perrine from En Famille, a popular children's book written by Hector Malot in 1893.

Orphaned Perrine has to live alone in a cabin in the woods for a while, and it is during that time she has to make her own pair of shoes. The book describes in detail the way Perinne constructs the soles from reeds, and then sews the body of the shoe using thick cloth she buys from the town millinery.

As a child I was impressed by Perrine's adventures, and read the book several times. I still love En Famille. Even then, however, I disagreed with the way the book treated fashion and pretty clothes.

En Famille follows the favorite 19th century stereotype that love of finery, lace and ribbons was evidence of a flawed character. Perrine passes an important moral test when she discards fancy clothes and materials to buy the plainest and cheapest clothes in the store.

As I said, even as a child, I was piqued at this! Eventually I wrote my PhD on a woman's right to beauty and fashion.

Given the chance, I would buy pretty clothes and shoes. When I can't afford expensive (i.e. most of the time) I buy pretty and fancy. In short, I would certainly fail the moral test in En Famille!

Sunday, July 27, 2014


HOMER'S ILIAD was, for the Greeks, what the Bible is for the Jewish: a history of their religion, their kings and queens, and an explanation of their basic values and aims as a nation.

The Iliad and the Odyssey, rich in content as they are, also contain everyday beauty advice. Here are the highlights:

1. Good nutrition is vital to beauty and a good life. Shop locally, eat fresh and organic. 
2. Fresh roast meat can make a man or a woman healthy and strong.
3. Drink plenty of milk. Not even Zeus and Hermes can resist a pot of hot, fresh milk!
4. Shower or bathe frequently. Everyone in Homer comes out of the bath "looking like a god/ goddess".
5. Massage with aromatic oils after the shower or bath. Aromatic oils add to beauty.
6. The beauty of hair is vital to overall beauty. This is equally true for men as well as women. Achilles, for example, was famous for his long, golden hair.
7. Fabric is important to style. Pay attention. Do not wear rugs.
8. Beauty is important to men as well as women. We must all try to look our best.
9. The best breakfast is a large bowl of cereals with added honey and wine.
And, last but not least,
10. Even Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom and Books, was angry when she lost a beauty contest. Beauty is for everyone!

Follow this advice and you will come out strong like a warrior and looking as beautiful as a god!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


LAST Saturday for July, with the new week moving fast into August! This weekend's review is for the book The Passionate Shopper by Marion von Adlerstein! The Passionate Shopper was published in 2006 by Lantern, an imprint of Penguin Books.

I bought this book from Foyles in London. I remember the moment exactly. I am into Foyles, which for me pretty sums up my idea of Heaven on Earth, walking into the beauty section.

I spot the book from afar: the cover is pink, the spine is pink, a lovely pink, it draws me on like a magnet! It happens quickly. I grab the book -- it's about shopping -- I open it inside -- the illustrations are so pretty!

Strong Points: As an item, The Passionate Shopper is perfect: the best color (pink), satin paper, pretty outlay and design. As a book, it is also good. It has advice for shopping, beauty, style, luxury, all over the world shopping, Internet shopping.

Weak point(s): I am not sure whether the featured shops and goods are affordable to the average shopper. Also, any advice on the Internet may be slightly out of date by now.

Verdict: beautiful book, which will always remind me of a wonderful afternoon in a wonderful spot in London! You can buy and enjoy it bearing in mind the weak points above.

Have a happy Saturday afternoon, with beauty always with you!

Friday, July 25, 2014


I CAN think of nothing better to lead to the weekend! Friends, dogs, fashion and books. It's all about finding the right balance ;-)

Thursday, July 24, 2014


WRITE beauty for a lovely Friday! The fairy's dress is golden like the summer sun. The Lipstick Papers Weekend Review coming soon! xxx

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


SUMMER AND BEAUTY go together very well, and lipstick is the star of the show!

Summer is also a great time for some pampering, all within one's budget, of course: pedicure, a new lipstick, sun lotion, manicure!

I am the last person who can give advice on budget: my finances are in a mess and my account permanently overdrawn. A good book of advice, however, is Anita Naik's The Lazy Girl's Guide to the High Life on a Budget. The whole Lazy Girl's Guide series is cool!

Anita Naik used to write an advice column in Just 17, a magazine I used to buy in my late teenage years and in my early twenties. 

Like the books, Naik's column was practical, sensible and fun! Her advice was excellent, and covered just about everything a girl might want to know: how to show a boy that you are interested, how to show a boy that you are NOT interested, what to do if your boyfriend wants sex and you don't, plus where to get advice for a myriad problems from school bullying and eating disorders to domestic abuse.

I read Just 17 religiously, and now I wish I had kept some back issues. I think it's not published anymore. And I wish I had heeded some of Anita Naik's advice too ;-)

Anyway! It's never too late. Maybe that guide to the High Life on a Budget will finally teach me some thrift. 

Enjoy another summer week, always with beauty and the sun!

Monday, July 21, 2014


I FOUND this amazing anime/ manga drawing, and I thought I could share! 

I simply love manga, and I could draw them when I was a teenager. 

Though highly stylized, Manga are curiously lifelike. I think it may have to do with their eyes, which are expressive in a way that is not real but super-real: over the top reality, like in photorealism paintings.

Also, they are eerily beautiful: their beauty is so extreme as to border on the non-human.

Human yet strangely alien beauty; an irresistible combination!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I THINK THAT moving towards the new week must be done with a brisk walk, like the lady in the picture! What is there to discover in the week? Why, it can be anything -- a new friend, a new romance, a new book, or a new lipstick!!!!! The possibilities are endless.

Have a good start to the week -- new posts coming soon! xxx


A beautiful choice for a beautiful Sunday!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


IN ANOTHER hot Saturday afternoon this summer, here's The Lipstick Papers Weekend Review!

The book today is a slim little volume called The Woman's Book. It is subtitled Everything but the kitchen sink, written by Francesca Beauman, and published in 2007 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

Theme: this is the "indispensable handbook for the modern woman"! Indeed this is a book which covers a large amount of information relevant and useful to women today!

Strong points: The book contains some amazing themes! How to buy a swimming costume, how to clean a pearl necklace, how to walk for effect! From politics and voting to the Oscars, from women heroes to ballet and tattoos, it's really rich and pleasant to read. The strongest point for me, is "pickup" lines and "leave me alone" lines from all over the world!

Weak points: Some information is simply listed, without being placed in context: i.e. why are women so poor in this and this part of the world? Why is HIV/Aids so high in this other part of the world? So the book ignores essential causes and facts. Also, some of the advice is limited by the book's date. For example, the list of Academy award winners for best actress is no longer up to date. Or, the "how to invest" advice is irrelevant after the credit crunch and financial meltdown.

Verdict: You can buy this book and you will find it fun, but beware of the limitations!

This is today's review! I hope you are all having a nice weekend. Bye for now, and be well! xxx

Friday, July 18, 2014


BEAUTY will always shine a bright light! I wish you all a happy Friday. The Lipstick Papers Weekend Review coming soon! xxx

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


FOR MARILYN Monroe, diamonds are a girl's best friends, and I have no doubt that this is true. However, diamonds are also a tiny bit expensive! In average price terms, who or what are a girl's best friends???? The answer is, the lipstick and mirror, of course!!!!!!!

I totally disagree that the relationship with our mirror should be stressful, painful or problematic. For me, the mirror has always been my friend and partner. Even if I am not deliriously happy with what I see, I take action and try to change it. If I can't change it, I move on! 

Beauty has no age and no limit; we can all look our best if we want to. Beauty is there to be enjoyed, not make us unhappy if we don't have it. I love the beauty of others!

As for lipstick, what I can say? I will never tire of praising lipstick or writing about it. I buy as much lipstick I can afford. In the future, I will buy more lipstick. Lipstick is beauty.

Plus, I truly think a touch of lipstick can brighten and add luxury and spark even to the plainest of clothes!

Diamonds, mirrors, lipstick, beauty -- girls and women have so many best friends!!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014


NOT even an Angel can resist the allure of high heels! It's the only picture I have of an Angel in heels, and I thought I could share. Fashion and Angels go well together! Have a good Monday afternoon! xxx

Sunday, July 13, 2014


A BIT of fashion news to sweeten the Monday morning!

I loved the fall-winter collections I saw today on the World Fashion Channel! My TV is permanently switched on to the World Fashion Channel. On Sundays I will watch only passingly as I do the house-cleaning: in fact, watching bits and pieces from Fashion TV is the one good thing about house-cleaning!
For the fall-winter this year I saw warm colors in lovely combinations on soft, comfortable fabric. But I also saw brilliant white sometimes on soft, sometimes on satiny material. The collections bring to mind cold late afternoons, winter shopping, coming back to a cosy home, but also glitzy winter glamor!

Yet, I haven't missed winter yet! I still prefer summer, and the sunny summer months. Have a beautiful start to one more summer week! xxx

Saturday, July 12, 2014


A NEW Saturday and a new Lipstick Papers Weekend Review!

This week our book is Susannah Marriott's The Ultimate Fairies Handbook, published by MQP Publications in 2006.

Susannah Marriott lives and writes from Cornwall, which is where I bought this volume! It will always remind me of having just moved back to England from Cyprus, and will always get me back to Cornwall --a place of folklore and fairy tales, an old place, where Arthurian legends are still alive, and fairies and sorceress do exist. A magic place indeed!

Theme: The book is rich with information about fairies and everything fairy tale. It is truly a handbook, because it covers a wide variety of fairy tale subjects, including fairies in literature, in art, and fairy trees and flowers.

Strong points: amazing illustrations, absorbing information and guides on how to find fairy lairs and portals to the fairy world! For me, the most wonderful feature is the Fairy Calendar! This is a Calendar of "auspicious fairy days" and they meaning, such as St Mark's Eve (if you are born on that day, i.e. 24 April, you can see fairies), May Eve, Halloween (of course), Christmas Eve (bring in mistletoe, special for the fairies) and so on.

Verdict: Totally recommended for any fairy enthusiast! 

I will end with a quotation I found in the book, from none other than Albert Einstein: "if you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales"!

Until next weekend, be well and keep beauty always with you!


A THANK-YOU rose for everyone who reads this blog! I hope your summer is getting along well! xxx

Friday, July 11, 2014


HERE'S a touch of beauty for today! Barbie in silver and gold and the pink dress in Art. Let's keep our thoughts and hearts beautiful midst hardship. I wish you all a happy Friday. The Lipstick Papers Weekend Review coming soon! xxx

Thursday, July 10, 2014


HIGH HEELS look great even in art, as this painting clearly proves!

Also, The Lipstick Papers is happy to report that Christian Louboutin's signature red sole comes from a lipstick! Yes! 

Here's the quote from Louboutin himself: "An assistant in the office always used to wear the same color red lipstick and matching nail polish. One day I asked to borrow it and coated the bottom of a pair of stilettos just to see what it would look like, et voila! I loved the dramatic red color against the clean line of the shoe. It was the most beautiful red I had ever seen. Now it's my hallmark." (Christian Louboutin interview to Gisele Scanlon for The Goddess Guide).

High heels and stilettos undoubtedly make women look sexier and more beautiful. I hate it when women are ridiculed for their love of heels! I never wear heels myself, yet I understand that heels contribute to beauty, and beauty is valued in society. Why are women silly for wearing high heels?

However, heels need to be used in moderation, like everything, I suppose. They are detrimental for the legs and feet, and should be kept for special occasions!

Heels were first introduced in the 1590s, and have a long history; up until the 19th century they were carved from wood and reinforced with leather -- a significant development came when, in 1947, Christian Dior inserted a steel rod in the molded plastic heel. No more breaking!

If you are interested in the history of high heels, or indeed fashion in general, I would recommend The Berg Companion to Fashion, edited by the amazing fashion historian Valerie Steele.

I am currently reading Tamara Mellon's autobiography In My Shoes. Mellon is the co-founder of Jimmy Choo (though I think she has left now). More about the book in a later post!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I LIKE this picture so much, I thought I could write something about it, despite my mixed feelings towards ironing!

I have never been able to iron even the simplest item of clothing. Okay, maybe I managed to iron a T-shirt, but not much else. My ironing is terrible. I am great at housekeeping, but ironing is a different story. I don't know if this is the subconscious outcome of seeing so many "humor" cartoons in newspapers with the woman ironing while the man is lying on the couch watching TV, I just don't like it.

Still, I have always envied those who can iron. A good friend once told me that she is excellent at ironing, and that she would iron clothes for payment. I listened, all the while getting greener and greener. I was so jealous! Somehow I managed to hide it, however.
Ironed clothes are lovely and ironing is a great skill to have, whether you are a woman or man. There are no tasks specific to women or men. 

In Rosamunde Pilcher's Coming Home, protagonist Judith Dunbar always associates ironing and ironed clothes with home and warmth. The smell of freshly ironed clothes is a balm in tough times, and those who can iron well are the highly competent and sympathetic characters Phyllis and Mary Millyway.

I am re-reading Coming Home after seventeen years. Despite its failings, it is a book which has a lot to say about beauty and fashion. More about this at a later post!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


This is such a beautiful painting! Fashion and beauty from mother to daughter. Beauty and beauty rituals is, I think, important female knowledge passed down the centuries from one woman to another. There is nothing trivial or silly about beauty. Beauty is part of women's history, and part of who we are. Of course, beauty has also degrees, and I don't mean that we should spend hours in front of the mirror if we don't want to! I am only saying that if we do want to, it can be great fun!

Plus, the painting is a lovely way to start a week of new posts.

Enjoy the summer and sun, always with beauty and a good book!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


SUMMER is quick to move on -- we are already on the first weekend of July! Which means only one thing: it is time for the Lipstick Papers Weekend Review!

Today I want to talk about a lovely book called The Hedgerow Handbook: Recipes, Remedies and Rituals by Adele Nozedar, published by Square Peg in 2012.

Theme: This is a handbook of hedgerow plants and, as the author says herself, an "ideal backpack companion for country walks and hedgerow foraging". It is a directory of hedgerow plants from angelica to cherries to ash and wild strawberries. There is a separate little chapter for each plant. The chapters all follow the same structure: illustrations of the plant, general information, culinary uses, medicinal uses, recipes.

Strong point(s): the edition is absolutely elegant and lovely, printed on thick, cream-colored paper, with wonderful illustrations which you will love! The volume is easy to use and pleasant to read. There are many things to find out, as well as recipes old and new, going from tradition to recipes found in Facebook!

Verdict: I love this book! I haven't read it all, I read bit by bit, and I absolutely enjoy reading. I have read about things I didn't even know existed, such as ground elder pancakes, fruit butters, and meadow flowers with fairy tale names such as Lady's Smock and Ox-Eye Daisy. The author also writes about alchemy, and has her own Facebook page and website which is interactive with her twitter account.

I imagine this book on the shelf of a sorceress, a wizard, a fairy, or even an alchemist! It is all about the power, beauty and magic of nature and plants!