Friday, January 10, 2014

An A-Ha Moment
I saw this picture on a website the other day, and I loved it so much I just had to share! I saved the picture, naming it "Blonde Light".
As a friend said once, we are so fascinated by blonde hair because it resembles light around the face. Here is Kate Hudson, for me the prettiest woman on the planet.
In the Victorian era, the blonde woman was associated with female industry; the golden hair itself with the female arts of combing and weaving, ultimately with the art of story-telling itself.
Blonde hair continues to impress even when it is dyed.
A friend told me that, years ago, she had her hair dyed blonde -- a woman had been so impressed that she had asked to touch it. 
-"While your hair is the colour you have now". I answered. "Chestnut".
My friend is years older than me; I could be her daughter.
"No". She replied. "My hair now is white. I dye it chestnut".

I stared at her for a while. It was the first time I thought of our age difference, and that her hair might be white. She is right, I thought, her hair is white.

That was an a-ha moment for me. I realized that life has no age, and no colour, either. You can look younger, older, blonder, darker.

Praise be to the Goddess of Beauty for this! (Oh, and the Beauty Industry, too)...

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