Sunday, September 18, 2016


The first time I tried this skirt at the store, I decided I wouldn't buy it. "It's exactly like a crinoline". I thought. "Inasmuch as I love the Victorian era, it's now over. Besides, I can't possibly wear something this elegant and formal, can I"? I left the store and went back home.
Still, I could not forget about the skirt. I thought and thought about it, until I decided that we must be daring with our style. Why can I not wear a crinoline if I like????? I went back downtown and bought the skirt.

When an occasion came up, I took it to my Aunt for ironing (I'm getting good at ironing but I'm still not comfortable with fine clothes). Then I wore it and felt wonderful! There is nothing more liberating than daring to make a change. Even a small change counts!
Crinolines appeared in 1829 and reached the peak of their popularity in the high Victorian era (1840s to 60s). Magazines reported an incident where a man was actually pushed to his death by a woman whose crinoline took too much space. Another magazine reported that wearing a crinoline could save your life. Women were ridiculed for wearing huge crinolines, but then, women in the 19th century were ridiculed for just about anything- from asking to vote to wishing to become lawyers. The patriarchal habit of ridiculing women's aspirations, beauty and fashions still exists today - blonde jokes anyone? If you have blonde hair, natural or, like me, dyed, wear it with pride! Beauty and a good mind go together.

In Larnaca, there is only one store you can get crinoline skirts like that, the Coffret boutique in Ermou street. The prices are very reasonable too.
Have a good start to the week, always with beauty and a book! 💋💄💝💖💄💄💄
#fashion #crinolines #Victorians #TheLipstickPapers #beauty #blonde#Larnaca #Cyprus

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