Monday, November 7, 2016


The times in my life that I have put on makeup are so few that I can remember them all. (But read on for my defense of makeup). Here are my ventures into makeup. Two for promotions, five for public speaking, one for an occasion last year, and one for the fun of it. That's all! I also refuse to take off my glasses. I hate all those films where the protagonist, to be beautiful and get the guy has to take off her glasses, completely change her style and, in short, lose every bit that makes her who she is. There is no glass frames versus beautiful divide. Beauty is unique to each and every one of us!

Of course, don't think I have anything against wearing makeup. I just don't like it too much on myself, often I can't afford it, and, to tell the truth, I'm not too good at applying it. Other than this, I simply love makeup. As for Lipstick, it is my favorite thing on earth, and I wear it even when I do my fitness routine. Lipstick is forever!

Wearing makeup is an act of defiance in three ways. First, women throughout history were condemned for wearing makeup. They were considered vain, immoral and out to trap the men. So makeup is revolutionary. Second, during times of war, women wear makeup to boost the nation's morale. Third, women wearing makeup use their skills to make themselves more beautiful than they already are!!! If this is not boldness, I want to know what is ğŸ˜‰
I am posing here with the new lipstick shades for winter and the new ads. You can't go wrong with a lipstick! Xxx ğŸ’„💄💄💄💋💋💋
#lipstick #TheLipstickPapers #Dior #Chanel #YvesSaintLaurent #beauty#makeup #glasses #feminism

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