Sunday, October 1, 2017


I apologize for the recent lack of updates. Life has been more chaotic than usual, and I hardly had time to update the Facebook page :-(

So here's a summary of news 😀
New lipsticks! Red Poppy and a shade of copper red from the Shiseido Rouge Rouge series. Shiseido was the first company to make the softening lotion and is one of the oldest cosmetics companies in the world. Japanese chic!

New profile picture for the Lipstick Papers Facebook Page! Posing with lipstick of course. Lipstick always comes first.
New skirt and celebrating that the world didn't end on September 23. Reasons to smile!

The lovely skirt is from Dash Boutique Multi Brand in Larnaca. An artistic, cool and of course chic place!

And, finally, reading to eternity for Elinor of Aquitaine. This is what I would hope for me too :)

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