Saturday, November 26, 2016


Going back to the CVAR exhibition, I left the best for last! Here's the Ecaterina Cornaro (Αικατερίνη Κορνάρο) portrait by Tiziano!

Ecaterina Cornaro was the last Queen of Cyprus. She ruled Cyprus until 1489, whereupon she was deposed by the body of merchants who ruled Venice. Cyprus back then was a Venetian colony, and the Cyprus royal family had Venetian origins. Apparently Ecaterina was a popular ruler, and the people were not too happy she left. Recently, I read a book (you can see it in the photo) claiming that Venetian rule in Cyprus was less unfair and oppressive than usually assumed. I think the same is claimed for Crete, which, under the Venetians, experienced its own cultural Renaissance.

Tiziano or Titian is one of the best known Italian artists. I don't think he ever visited Cyprus, though they say Leonardo Da Vinci did.

Apart from a capable ruler, it seems that Ecaterina was beautiful too! I loved this painting, and I think it is the most amazing of all the exhibits at CVAR.
Have a great Saturday night, with beauty always with you! 💋😀💝💄❤️❤️💖💝
#TheLipstickPapers #Renaissance #Venice #Cornaro #Cyprus #Titian#Tiziano #art #beauty #books #Italy #Italia

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