Friday, December 30, 2016


The vasilopittes (βασιλόπιτες) are ready at the bakeries, so the New Year is near! Vasilopita is the traditional Greek cake to be eaten on New Year's Eve. It is made like a butter and egg cake, with orange peel too, and contains a small coin, or token. The person who finds the token has luck all year. The vasilopita is decorated with the new year numerals, which are made with sugar icing or almonds. Yum!

In the Greek island of Naxos, the traditional vasilopita had the shape of a cross (indeed sometimes you can make a cross design on top, even if the shape is round). In Naxos, the person who won at cards on New Year's Eve was considered to have luck all year. He or she was given a whole bread to take at home. Once at home, he/ she had to stay awake all night. Then, in the morning, he/she had to take the bread and step in and out of the house saying, "in with the good, out with the evil". Maybe it was better not to win at cards!

When I lived in a England, one of the things I missed from Cyprus were the bakeries. I think the bakeries here have an almost epic dimension. The amount and variety of food they produce is simply mind blowing!
If you will play cards on New Year's Eve, don't forget the Naxos protocol! Keep vigil all night and then perform the in and out ritual! Xxx

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