Tuesday, May 20, 2014

THE LIPSTICK has such long and lovely history, that we can only tell it episodically!

The first commercial lipstick appeared in the late 1800s. Until the early 20th century, lipstick only appeared in limited shades. The cosmetic executive who introduced the idea of variety was Elizabeth Arden, in the early 1930s.

As for Estee Lauder, she popularized her lipsticks by giving them for free at a charity luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. 

Estee Lauder's lipstick was truly luxury given out for free, for she packaged it in a silvery metal tube, during wartime, when metal cases were rare and expensive.

The trick worked excellently well: that afternoon, women streamed into Saks Fifth Avenue, asking for Estee Lauder lipsticks!

I think what made lipstick famous then still holds true today! Lipstick is luxury every woman can afford. It is fun, color, fashion and fantasy, all in the shape of a small, single tube!

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