Saturday, July 2, 2016


Lucie de la Tour du Pin spent 6 months in hiding during the French Revolution (she had been a lady in waiting to the Queen). She was alone with her children and doctor. During those months, they had no books, so, to avoid boredom, Lucie taught the doctor embroidery and dressmaking, while he taught her medicine and midwifery. With her husband and kids later in the US, Lucie was head of the farmstead, earning a lot of money by making amazing butter, stamped with her monogram!

This woman was a true chameleon, and I loved her memoirs, which I have finished recently. The book is very interesting. Sadly I don't know French (I was excellent at school but I have forgotten it) so I had to read the translation. I have a feeling that the book must be better in the original French, for the translation at points seems rather dry. Since I cannot check with the original, this may only be my impression.
It's a pity that Lucie married a foolish nobleman, and it is a worse pity that she was in love with him. Not only did the foolish nobleman insist that they leave their successful farm business in the US, so that he could get his castle back (they ended up living in poverty in Europe) he also advised their son to go ahead with a duel, which ended with the young man getting killed. He was indirectly responsible for the death of his son.

Among Lucie's range of abilities were cooking and sewing: though she was nobility, she insisted that she learn all the domestic arts.
The floral design on the Costa coffee cup is mine 😀 I hope you enjoy a nice evening!

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